

New collection

Posing for the camera in lingerie? Lize and Kennocha dared and did it. Models for one day. PrimaDonna lovers for life.

Discover PrimaDonna First Night and Montara.


"The first time I tried a PrimaDonna bra, I realized I no longer need to compromize between support, comfort and feeling beautiful and feminine. I felt understood."

Kennocha, PrimaDonna fan for 11 years. Shines in a Montara wireless bralette.


The look you want and with the comfort you deserve. Shine in PrimaDonna.

Find your perfect bra size​

Did you know that 8 out of 10 women wear the wrong size bra? Be sure to have your size checked before your next lingerie shopping spree. Take our ‘Fit Quiz’ to find your perfect bra size in just two minutes.
Primadonna Fit Quiz

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