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- Råd om pasform
Råd om pasform
Vores blog om pasform er dedikeret til at hjælpe kvinder med at finde den perfekte pasform og sikre, at de føler sig godt tilpas og trygge hele dagen. Find løsninger på almindelige problemer med at få bh'er til at passe til større skålstørrelser og råd om at finde den rigtige bh-størrelse. Vi forstår, at bh-stropper, der bliver ved med at falde ned, eller smertefulde bøjle-bh'er kan ødelægge din dag, så vi er her for at hjælpe!
Why is it important to wear the right bra size?
Wearing the right bra size is the first step in finding the perfect bra. Your posture, confidence, and look: Everything can be boosted by a bra that fits like a dream. How do you know you're in the right size? And why is finding the right size even more important if you have larger breasts? A bra with the right fit can do wonders for your body and your look!
How to prevent uncomfortable underwire
Is your underwire painful or uncomfortable? Then you're probably wearing the wrong bra size or style for your larger breasts. Is your bra causing underarm pain? Keep reading to find out what underwire does, why it can poke and pinch, and what you can do about it. Bye-bye, painful bra!
Asymmetrical breasts? Here’s how to find the perfect bra!
No one is perfectly symmetrical. In fact, breast asymmetry is completely normal. In fact, most women have uneven breasts. Are you happy with your curves? You should be! Prefer to minimize your asymmetry with the right lingerie? PrimaDonna has some tips and tricks.
Bruger du den rigtige bh-størrelse? Seks tjek!
Kun 20 % af alle kvinder bruger den rigtige bh-størrelse. En bh, der sidder godt, gør underværker for din holdning, dit udseende og din selvtillid og sparer dig desuden for en masse problemer med pasformen. "Hvilken bh-størrelse har jeg?" er derfor et af de spørgsmål, der stilles hyppigst i vores lingeributikker. Det er på høje tid at gøre noget ved det, synes vi hos Primadonna. For lingeri, der sidder perfekt, er ikke kun langt mere behageligt. Er du også i tvivl om din bh-størrelse? Find ud af det med disse seks tjek!
Sådan ved du, hvornår det er tid til at udskifte din bh!
Er du i tvivl om, hvornår du bør udskifte din yndlings-bh? Det er aldrig sjovt at tage afsked – og da slet ikke med et lækkert lingerisæt, der sidder fantastisk. Men selv den perfekte bh holder desværre ikke for evigt. Bh'er udsættes mere end noget andet tøj for slitage, da godt lingeri bliver brugt meget og derfor vaskes ofte. Men hvordan ved du, om din bh trænger til udskiftning? Med vores nemme tjekliste får du hurtigt ryddet ud i de slidte eksemplarer i din lingeriskuffe.
The most common bra struggles for women with a larger cup size and how to solve them!
If you have bra issues like digging straps, poking underwire, and uncomfortable cups, you are not alone! Approximately 80% of women wear the wrong bra size and have fit issues as a result. These issues can become a real problem and can even lead to back problems and other complaints, especially for women with a larger cup size. Here's what you can do about it.
French, European, or American bra sizing: What's the difference?
French, European, and American bra sizing: What's the difference? Your bra label has three different bra sizes: FR, EU, and US. Belgium uses both the French and the European size, but even these have differences. Confused? PrimaDonna will explain the wonderful world of clothing and lingerie sizes.
Finding the right size is important, but how does bra sizing work?
Knowing how bra sizing works is extremely useful when shopping for a bra that highlights your assets. But how do cup sizes work? And what should you look for when shopping for a bra that is elegant and accentuates your curves? We explain how larger cup sizes work so you can shine with confidence in your new set!
Tired of your straps slipping off? Keep reading for our tips!
No matter how often you adjust them, your bra straps keep slipping off. When you sit down, grab something from the closet, eat, or drink... While it’s not painful, it can be infuriating. If you have a larger cup size, loose bra straps also mean you’re not getting the support you need, even though the back band does most of the heavy lifting in this respect. So why do straps slip off? And how do you get them to stay put? Keep reading for our tips.