With our lingerie, we want to make you shine with self-confidence. In the look you want and with the comfort you deserve. It inspired Miki, Lore, Sanne and Simone to take a seat in front of our camera. In this way, they want to give every woman a heartfelt message: love yourself as you are!

“We women should encourage and support each other more. All bodies are beautiful.” ​ Lore - Model for one day, PrimaDonna fan for life.

You immediately feel that you are wearing PrimaDonna, I even recognise it with my eyes closed.  - Miki | Primadonna
You immediately feel that you are wearing PrimaDonna, I even recognise it with my eyes closed.  - Miki | Primadonna

You immediately feel that you are wearing PrimaDonna, I even recognise it with my eyes closed. - Miki


“Today was a boost to my self-confidence.”

PrimaDonna fan? Become a model for one day too!
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